Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hasnt even been a month and i have been pigging out, i gained 10 pounds back. I had a bad case of PMS,, and ate some bad food. went sour on my work out plan..

Tomorrow im going to start a 10 Day only Water-Tea Fast.. Then go on to the MC again for the entire month of april

What a way to live, well at least i catch myself,, my problem is i need to follow a plan, as soon as i stop a plan i go bad

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Post Cleanse Day 10

I gained 5 pounds so far...

not bad but i have been eating low cal still, i need to lose 10 more pounds

Monday, March 10, 2008

Post Cleanse Day 5

So yesterday i had grapefruit, eggs, salad, chicken, spinach., barbeque tofu..

im still having the lemonade maybe once or twice when i get hungry.. I worked longer and harder today as my energy is coming back/ been drinking caffeine free tea..

Im going to keep journaling here so i dont go back to bad habits of junk. I want to stay away from bread, potatoes, chips, ice cream, bars, pizza, etc and alcohol too, im afraid to drink wine since i havent had it in so long.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Post Cleanse Day 3

I had a grapefruit, salad, steamed veggies and chicken tonight.

I brought Zip N Steam bags , this is really great, steams the food and cooks so quick, i love it.. I made my chicken and veggies in it..

The good thing is that I have a very small appetite now, i cant eat alot at all, just small meals

Friday, March 7, 2008

Post Cleanse- Day 2

I had a half grapefruit with flax seeds this morning and 2 eggs. I feel really good, no stomache ache and it feels so good to eat again,,,

im going to notvh up my exercise routine because i still need to lose weight...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Day 27

I decided to break the cleanse today. I just feel like I can't do the cleanse anymore and I really have the need to eat. Today I had the orange juice and I feel so much better.
So today I weigh 136,, seems like i couldnt go lower than this weight on the cleanse..So I lost 12 pounds altogether and 22 pounds all together since January..(January i was dieting and exercising)

136 used to be my highest weight some years ago until i shot up to 158 this past December. So I am happy I dropped all that weight and got back to a decent number. I cant believe im happy about being 136... I've always weight between 112-125. Right now I would like to get back down to 125, then I can concentrate on going lower.

I feel better about myself and feel more confident. I do feel healthier, I'm so happy I kicked my caffeine habit. Now I plan on eating healthy and exercising everyday..

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Day 26

Well I'm so dissapointed in myself, i gave in last night and ate vegetable soup with some vegetables and crackers,, i didnt have alot and amazingly my stomach was not upset.... I think i went too long on the cleanse and should have ended it at Day 21... I've had intense cravings these past few days..I also didnt exercise yesterday. I had a very stressful day at work yesterday and I wound up working till 10 pm,, I didnt drink my LD,, i know its what caused me to mess up.. It scares me because the reason why i put so much weight on is because when I get stressed I would eat,, well Im going to watch out for it and try to control it.

I know I broke the cleanse but I'm going to go back on it until Friday then I will break the cleanse properly...i think its the right thing to do.

I just feel down on myself today and i also went up 2 pounds, im sure its water weight but im still upset.

I came home early from work, I exercised for 1 hour, gazelle and ab lounger... I'll have more LD and then go to sleep early

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

DAY 25

Well I feel good, just have cravings again.. no weight loss, fuzzy tongue..
I'll update more later not much to report today. slept very well last night

Monday, March 3, 2008

DAY 24

Wow I had insomnia last night, could not sleep,, felt anxious, well I slept for 4 hours and i dropped 1 pound, so I'm 134.0 now. I broke that short plateau i was stuck in, maybe it was that workout i did. I didn't even have a BM yesterday and i dropped weight.

I still feel good despite the lack of sleep, well lets see how i feel when i come back from work.

Update: 2 am, still cant sleep. well i worked out for 40 minutes today, didnt have as much energy as yesterdays work out but i still got a good one. I had cravings today maybe because im looking at recipes to make after the cleanse.
My tongue still has fuzz, thats about it and i do feel anxious, its weird, hard to explain...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

DAY 23

Slept 6 hours, no weight loss. Feel the same, just feeling good. last night i has 2 BMs, Today I'm just going to stay in, take it easy.. I'm using limes from now on, I just like how they taste better.
My dark circles have improved but i'm pretty sure it because I'm using Hylexin cream from my undereyes..

WIll update more later

7 pm;; I worked out for an hour today, my gazelle and ab lounger, I worked out really hard today because i had alot of energy. I stayed home all day too... I'm doing fine, no BM yet, I drank 4 LDs already, 2 more to go. I did skip SWF, I honeslty dislike doing SWF because it bloats me. I like doing the lax tea better even though i have cramps, i had less of the tea than i normally would as someone on the MC board reccomended and I actually don't have cramps...

I'll take a bath tonight and call it a night.. I'm looking foward to eating again I am bored. :)

Also I notice on the weekends i dont have weight loss, but when im working during the week the scale moves down, I really think its from stress at work that makes me loose weight and also maybe all my walking..

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Day 22

I had really bad cravings last night and i did cheat for the first time. I had some green pea split soup and hummus, i know its not that bad but I shouldnt have, i didn't get a stomach-ache.. I won't do it again.. I was up late, couldn't sleep, bored.

Today I need to get out, I'm going with my friend to the musuem today to see an exhibit. Shes pretty understanding to cleanses but still she eats alot, she lives in the part of the village near all these Italian Pastry Shops- very tempting.. But I'll resist, just need to get out.. Then I have to call it an early night cause I can't drink.

Had the LD this morning,,, I exercises yesterday for 40 minutes,, same weight-no change....
Not much to say today- no detox symptoms..

Update 2 am,, well today was a good day, good to be out, freezing out though in nyc. I got back home from meeting my friend around 10 pm, I worked out for 1 hour doing the gazelle plus my ab lounger...

I feel normal, no detox symptoms, i have energy but I must say I am really getting bored of drinking the lemonade, my only complaint now.. I'm really looking foward to getting through this week and ending on Friday because I feel boredom setting in.

I also took a detox epsom salt ginger bath tonight, was wonderful..